Console Reports | NCR Silver NCR Silver
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NCR Console - Inventory Reports Overview

February 3, 2017


You have the ability to view sales data in a variety of ways within the Inventory Management module of NCR Console.  Report features include the ability to add chart data, drill down for more detailed information and export reports to excel. To view reports:

  1. Move your mouse over to the Reports tab and click Inventory.

  2.  You can also click the reports tab then click inventory reports.

 User-added image

Inventory History:  Allows you to view a detailed history of each inventory item going in or out of your location

Inventory Movement:  Allows you to view items that are depleted from inventory based off of products sold

  • You must have created recipes that are tied to your Point of Sale for this report to generate (see Inventory-Recipe Creation)

Profitability Report:  Allows you to track the profitability of products sold based on its cost of goods sold

  • You must have created recipes that are tied to your Point of Sale for this report to generate (see Inventory-Recipe Creation)

Discrepancy Report:  Allows you to compare your actual inventory versus your theoretical inventory for any given period of time

Spending Report:  Allows you to view spending on the raw ingredients

  • You must utilize the Add Inventory feature for this report to generate (see Add Inventory)

Cost of Goods Sold:  Allows you to view the cost of goods sold based off of your inventory movement

Inventory on Hand:  Allows you view on hand inventory as of the date you generate the report

Par Level Report  (accessible via the Inventory on Hand report):  View those items for which set par levels have been exceeded or not met. 

  • Reorder points can only be calculated if an ordering lead time is entered for raw ingredients, if recipes are created using those raw ingredients and if those recipes are tied to a POS Key (see Suggested Reorder Point )
  • This feature is recommended for businesses that utilize recipe management for auto-depletion purposes



NCR Console Inventory Reports.pdf