Console Reports | NCR Silver NCR Silver
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NCR Console - Store Productivity Report

January 10, 2017


The Store Productivity report allows you to view net sales and hours worked for all employees for any date range you run.

To access the Store Productivity report you will need to navigate to the Reports module, click Other Reports, and Store Productivity.

  1. Log into NCR console, go to the Reports tab and click other reports

  2. Click Store Productivity from the list of reports

  3. Click the calendar icons to the right of Date Range to set the range

  4. Click Run Report

    User-added image

  5.  Click the Change link to the right of the date range to change the range

    User-added image

To export the store productivity report:
  1. Click More Options

  2. Click Export

  3. An excel file will appear at the bottom left corner of the screen (or wherever your downloads appear)

  4. Save the file to your computer for future reference



NCR Console - Productivity Report.pdf