Console Reports | NCR Silver NCR Silver
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NCR Console - Labor Reports Overview

December 5, 2016


The Employee Management module of NCR Console gives you the ability to view detailed labor data in a variety of ways within Console.  Report features include the ability to modify time card data, import time card data and export reports to excel.


User-added image

Labor Costs:  Allows you to view labor costs for any given period of time

  • Pay rates must be set to calculate labor costs (see the Creating a New User and Time Card training modules)

Pay Period Report:  Allows you to view payroll costs and track trends from pay period to pay period

  • Payroll settings must be established for this report to generate (see Store Settings – General Settings training module)

Employee History:  Allows you to view a history of notes for all employees you’ve entered notes for

  • Notes must be entered for the employee for this report to generate (see Employee Notes training module)

Time Card Discrepancy:  Allows you to compare hours worked to hours scheduled for all employees

  • A work schedule must be generated for this report to generate (see Creating a Work Schedule training module)


Labor Reports Overview.pdf