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NCR Console - How to Modify Additional Employee Information

January 10, 2017


NCR Console allows you to edit detailed information about your employees. The following steps will show you where to add additional information like mobile number, emergency contacts and other details.

  1. Log in to NCR Console and access Labor underneath the Store tab.

  2. Click Employees

  3. Select the employee you wish to add additional information for (this can also be done curing the creation of a new employee)

  4. Click Edit Employee Information

    User-added image

  5. Click the Additional Information tab

  6. Enter the additional information you wish to add in the open fields to the right of each item.  At a minimum, we recommend that you add

  • Mobile Phone Number and Mobile Service Provider (enables text messaging to communicate the work schedule). Standard messaging rates will apply to the employee

  • Email Address (allows you to communicate the work schedule)

  • Pay Rate Information (allows you to track labor costs). You will have the option to enter it based on hourly rate or salary. Keep in mind that if you have a salaried employee that works at more than one of your locations, for reporting purposes, their salary will be evenly distributed across all locations based on the number of locations you have

  • Transaction to Employee Ratio is the number of customers an employee can serve per hour. Ratio is used to help the system forecast labor and the ratio you enter will vary by employee and job performance. You can use a starting point of 10-20 and adjust as needed

      7. Click Save




Additional Employee info.pdf