Order Entry | NCR Silver NCR Silver
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You can easily transfer a dine in order to takeout or delivery order, or pay a dine in order as a takeout order.
User-added image

At the guest check screen, with the order active, tap Change to Takeout. A pop-up appears:
  • Pay as Takeout Tap to pay the dine in order as a takeout order. The system recalculates the taxes and remains at the guest check screen.
  • Move to Takeout Queue Tap to convert the order to a takeout order. The system prompts you to assign a customer, if you have not already done so, and to select a target time before moving the order to the takeout queue.
  • Move to Delivery Queue Tap to convert the order to a delivery order. The system prompts you to assign a customer, if you have not already done so, and to select a target time before moving the order to the delivery queue.
  • Cancel Tap to cancel the conversion of the dine in order.
See also:
Converting a Takeout or Delivery Order to a Dine In Order
Configuring Tax By Order Mode