Kitchen Display color indicators:
Blue: New orders
Yellow: Aged orders that have passed the first threshold time set in the back office.
Red: Old orders that have passed the second threshold time set in the back office.
Large Order Display: Large orders might span across two spaces. If they do, the ticket image on the display will show a perforated edge indicating the order continues across two cells.
Additional Items Ordered: If more items are sent to the kitchen after the first batch of items was already sent to the kitchen, the additional items will be shown inside the same “routed order” but each additional batch of items will be separated from the previous items by small separator saying “ADD-ON”.
Bumping Items: Once an item is prepared, the user can tap the item to bump it from the kitchen display and mark it as prepared and store the device that it was prepared on. Items can be un-bumped from the Bumped screen.
Bumping Orders: Once an order is prepared, the user can tap the order to bump it from the kitchen display and mark it as prepared and store the device that it was prepared on. Orders can be un-bumped from the Bumped screen.
Voided Orders: Items or Orders that are voided after a ticket is sent to a kitchen display will appear with a strike through the voided items or the entire order. The user must still bump voided items and orders from the device.