NCR Silver Essentials > Reports > Taxes Report
Taxes ReportUse the Taxes report to see sales by individual tax rates and tax jurisdictions. You can generate this report and send it to your accountant for tax filing. If you sell at multiple locations, this report will break down the tax information for each of your selling locations with sales for the selected date range.
To view the Taxes report:
Select RESULTS > REPORTS > Taxes.
Select your date range.
Select .
The Sales Sub Total includes the sales you made for items in each tax category but does not include the tax.
The Tax Amount is calculated by multiplying the Tax Rate % by the amount in the Sales Sub Total column. If the Tax Amount does not equal the Tax Rate % multiplied by the Sales Sub Total, it is because of a tax override that occurred at the point of sale.
If the date range you selected includes multiple selling locations, we will break down the report by selling locations.
If the date range you selected includes tax jurisdictions, we will break down the report by tax jurisdictions.
Keywords: reports, back office reports, taxes